《The Broken Spears》: 穿越时空的印第安人哭泣与反抗之声
《Immortal Beloved》: An Eternal Symphony of Love and Loss
Quantum Computing for Computer Scientists 探索量子世界的神秘与力量
“Negotiating Identity: A Study of Coloured Afrikaans-Speakers” - Diving into the Complexities of Belonging and Language
《The Mindful Leader》:探索内在平静与领导智慧的双重旅程!
"The Ghosts of Bogota": An Uncanny Tapestry Woven With Threads of Memory and Loss
"The Farm" - A Prose Symphony Celebrating Resilience and Untamed Dreams
《The Prayers of Rumi》: Mystical Verses Soaring Through the Heavens